Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesViewEntry. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesStream. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesView. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
This computed field displays the number of documents in the current database. return database.getAllDocuments().getCount().toFixed() IsSorted
A button processing a document collection assigns the NotesDocumentCollection object to a global variable. This computed ... |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesDateRange. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesDateTime. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesDocument. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesDatabase. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesSession. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
What I hate seeing when running server-side JavaScript code is a new page with this message: "Error 500 HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception." The problem is not so much getting an error but not getting any meaningful detail. A simple remedy is to use the standard JavaScript try ... ... |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesXspDocument. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesXspViewEntry. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
Here is sample JavaScript code for the class NotesColorObject. Eventually this sample code will find its way into the documentation. Corrections and comments are appreciated. |
This presentation shows how Xpages works in Lotus Notes. |
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the dojo toolkit that is shipped with both the Domino 8.5.1 Server and Notes 8.5.1 Client. The dojo toolkit version that is shipped with 8.5.1 is Dojo 1.3.2. This version of dojo is fully supported by XPages on both the Domino 8.5.1 Server ... |
IBM Lotus Notes Release 8.5.1 brings XPages technology to the Notes Client so developers can create rich internet applications that now run in both a Web Browser and in the Notes Client. XPages applications are highly programmable and almost every user interface component has ... |